Leon's Latest News Comment. (1)
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Dear friends and family, Shalom,
Many people are in flight today, some from Tsunamis in Indonesia, others from terrorist rockets in northern Israel and others from Israeli warplanes in Lebanon.
Each fleeing refugee has a tragic story to tell of suffering, loss of loved ones and property. They're united in a bond of suffering.
In cases like the Tsunami and Israelis in northern Israel, the moment of flight wasn't a matter of choice. The danger came suddenly.
But the fleeing people in Lebanon did have a choice because they knew of the terrorists that were using their country as an arsenal for deadly attacks on Israel.
The lesson is very simple: "Don't live in a land of lawlessness and murderers, or, if you have no choice but to live there, fight them, even at the cost of your life and don't let them carry out murder."
We must assume that the people of Lebanon either agreed with the objectives of terrorists like Nasrallah or had such a good life there that it was convenient for them to turn a blind eye to the murderous activities of their fellow citizens.
Wishing you a great no-news day. Yours truly. Leon.
Reply to: jerusalemwalks@gmail.com
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Dear friends and family, Shalom,
Many people are in flight today, some from Tsunamis in Indonesia, others from terrorist rockets in northern Israel and others from Israeli warplanes in Lebanon.
Each fleeing refugee has a tragic story to tell of suffering, loss of loved ones and property. They're united in a bond of suffering.
In cases like the Tsunami and Israelis in northern Israel, the moment of flight wasn't a matter of choice. The danger came suddenly.
But the fleeing people in Lebanon did have a choice because they knew of the terrorists that were using their country as an arsenal for deadly attacks on Israel.
The lesson is very simple: "Don't live in a land of lawlessness and murderers, or, if you have no choice but to live there, fight them, even at the cost of your life and don't let them carry out murder."
We must assume that the people of Lebanon either agreed with the objectives of terrorists like Nasrallah or had such a good life there that it was convenient for them to turn a blind eye to the murderous activities of their fellow citizens.
Wishing you a great no-news day. Yours truly. Leon.
Reply to: jerusalemwalks@gmail.com
Leon Gork. Israeli Tour Guide.
Mobile phone 052 3801867