Leon the tourguide

Leon the tourguide
Leon the Tour Guide

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ahmadinajad's anti-Semitic trick

The Jews always dreamt of returning to their ancient homeland Israel and Jerusalem, their ancient capital city, but they’d been living so long in the Diaspora that the deep roots they had struck there made it difficult to uproot the communities they’d established, just as it’s difficult to uproot great trees planted thousands of years ago.
In those countries greedy rulers arose from time to time to steal from the people and impoverish them and blame the Jews for their suffering. The corrupt leaders easily incited the simple, mostly uneducated people to hatred for the Jews. They would be told things like the Jews had taken all their money, that the Jews wanted to rule the world, that the Jews drank the blood of Christian children and so on, the accusations knew no bounds, they told any lie that would get people to blame the Jews instead of taking the blame themselves.
This trick was also used when some kind of catastrophe fell upon the town or country, like the plague, a flood, a war etc. The result was that the real reason for problems was never discovered and decent, innocent people were blamelessly murdered.
Hundreds of times, throughout history, everywhere, Jews were blamed and expelled or killed. Prohibited from living in one place Jews moved to another, usually in one of the newly developing lands where their contribution would be appreciated until again a corrupt leader arose and the blaming started again.
This reminds one of Joseph who saved Egypt from starvation, then a new Pharoah arose who didn’t remember Joseph and blamed the guiltless Jews for problems he'd create.
The story is replayed over and over again. Jews help to develop a new town, the country begins to thrive, then some cruel tyrant  takes over rule, steals from the people, brings poverty on them, then blames the Jews, who have to leave to find another country to develop.
Has this vicious cycle been broken with the establishment of the State of Israel and the departure of many Jews from the Diaspora? Is our generation blessed with a true revolution in world thinking to search for the truth instead of looking for someone to blame?
The fact is few Jews have hearkened to Israel’s call, just as few Israelites hearkened to Moses and many Jews still live in the Diaspora.
At first Jews didn’t unanimously follow Moses. Just like the Jews of Egypt the Jews of Diaspora were reluctant to leave the countries where they’d been living for hundreds of years, even though their suffering had been as great as the suffering of the Jews of ancient Egypt and even though Zionism brought hope of a new future for the Jewish People indeed new hope for the world.
Still worse, anti-Semitism continues and the world still looks for someone to blame and that someone is still the Jews.
It’s as if nothing has happened, as if Israel didn’t come into existence, as if the Diaspora still controls the destiny of the Jewish People.
But something has happened, not as quickly as expected, slowly the numbers of Jews in all the countries of the world have dwindled. Take a look at the statistics and you’ll see that today the majority of Jews in the world live in Israel.
The arch anti-Semite these days is Ahmadinajad, but it's difficult to understand his anti-Semitism. Unlike the days of Hitler's anti-Semitism, when hundreds of thousands of Jews lived in  Europe who he could blame for Germany's problems, there aren't enough Jews in Iran and other Arab countries to blame. The Arab leaders have run out of Jews to blame, most of them now live in Israel or America.

Ahmadinajad's anti-Semitism has a different purpose from Hitler's. His purpose isn't to blame the Jews for Arab problems. His purpose is to explain to the West why he needs to protect himself from the Jews, especially from Israel.
He needs approval from the West for his atom bomb and the lie that the Jews are a danger is a reason the West can understand because they'r used to believing the lies that the Jews are a threat. It's been going on for thousands of years.
In a way it's still the same but different; the Jews are to blame for his need to make an atom bomb. He's saying the Jews are making him do it because... then come the old lies; they want to conquer the world, to control world economy, they're occupying Palestine through brute force and they'r causing suffering to the poor Palestinians. Iran is becoming the big hero in the Arab world because they are going to destroy the "evil, powerful, plotting etc. Jews".
This kind of anti-Semitism was invented by the Arabs already after the 1st World War. it’s also been the main stumbling block in the way to Peace between the Jews and the Arabs.

Because of this lie the west accepts the need of the Palestinians to defend themselves and to struggle against the state of Israel.
Because the West continues to believe these anti-Semitic lies, as if the holocaust didn't happen, it supports the arms race in the Middle East and doesn't really work to achieve peace between the Jews and the Arabs.
Throughout its modern history the West launched arms blockades against the young Jewish state, all because countries like France, England, Germany etc were convinced by the Arab lies that Israel poses a threat to their existence. This is an anti-Semitic lie of the old European kind I refer to above.
Ahmadinajad has convinced the Arab world and a good part of the West that the Jews indeed pose a danger and he needs to protect himself and  the best way to do this is by having an atom bomb.
The West thinks that he only needs the bomb to destroy Israel and is relieved that he's not going to destroy America, China or Saudi Arabia. Well he wouldn't say that because that would make him very unpopular and those countries would never allow him to make a bomb if he gave that reason.
Nevertheless the West is mistaken; he doesn't need a bomb to destroy Israel, he doesn’t need the bomb to kill Jews. He has a great army and nations still destroy each other with conventional weapons, not with atom bombs.

Ahmadinajad needs the bomb to show the Arabs and the world that he is the only one who will protect the world against the dangers of the Jews.
That is a lie of course but so many people believe it that it makes Iran a heroic nation and by the way a highly advanced and civilized nation, in other words a nation that the world can count on and the Arabs can be proud of.
This is his contribution to the making the Arabs great and respected as a civilized nation throughout the world as he thinks they ought to be.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Is Israel an Apartheid State

Following the recent spate of racism in Israel; Arab attacked in Zion Square, parents in Eilat refuse to send children to school with children of illegal immigrants, beatings of illegal immigrants in Tel Aviv, posters warning Arabs to keep away from Jewish girls, it seems that we are on our way to becoming an apartheid state.

Fighting for a pure Jewish race in Israel is an apartheid objective. 

Remember the Afrikaners introduced Apartheid to maintain the purity of the Afrikaner race. Aren't we doing the same thing? If we are then we deserve the title "Apartheid State".

I don't believe that preservation of racial purity is one of the objectives of Judaism or Zionism.

Anti-Semitism-an old trick the doesn't work anymore

Recently my friend Bradley sent me a video that shocked him because it showed Arab leaders in Egypt rousing support among the masses to kill Jews and conquer Jerusalem.

The way this cry rallies people in economically depressed countries never ceases to amaze me. 

But really anti-Semitism is an old trick that doesn’t work as well as it used to; the trick of blaming the Jews for the suffering of the masses. 

The people using the trick are the leaders who’ve caused that suffering by stealing and exploiting the masses in various ways and wish to escape punishment by blaming the Jews for the trouble they’ve caused.

The trick worked for many centuries as long as Jews were minorities in countries suffering depression. After cries of “kill the Jew”, “conquer Jerusalem”, the masses could plunder and murder to their heart’s delight, become elated, and feel that they had justly punished the ones to blame for their miserable plight, even though they weren’t any better off, but what did it matter, they had dealt the people who they’d been told caused them suffering a painful blow.

Now the trick doesn’t work anymore because there is a Jewish state that stands up for the Jews everywhere. 

The cry to kill the Jew and conquer Jerusalem still gets the masses worked up but there’s no more follow up. It’s not possible to attack Jews and get elated. They’ve tried several times to attack Israel and each time they have fared worse than the time before.

The result is that the Arabs and other nations have begun to search in real earnest for the real cause of their suffering instead of blaming the Jews.

Despite all the pre-election ranting and ravings that we see in the video, today, for the first time in it’s modern history Egypt has admitted it has internal problems and her new President has begun to deal with them and he doesn’t have time to kill Jews and march on Jerusalem and please God he’ll be busy for a long time solving Egypt’s internal problems and when he’s finished, which might take 10 years of so. Egypt won’t be such an economically depressed country and won’t need the rallying call to kill the Jews and conquer Jerusalem.

Anti-Semitism - An old trick that doesn't work anymore

Recently my friend Bradley sent me a video that shocked him because it showed Arab leaders in Egypt rousing support among the masses to kill Jews and conquer Jerusalem.

The way this cry rallies people in economically depressed countries never ceases to amaze me. 

But really anti-Semitism is an old trick that doesn’t work as well as it used to; the trick of blaming the Jews for the suffering of the masses. 

The people using the trick are the leaders who’ve caused that suffering by stealing and exploiting the masses in various ways and wish to escape punishment by blaming the Jews for the trouble they’ve caused.

The trick worked for many centuries as long as Jews were minorities in countries suffering depression. After cries of “kill the Jew”, “conquer Jerusalem”, the masses could plunder and murder to their heart’s delight, become elated, and feel that they had justly punished the ones to blame for their miserable plight, even though they weren’t any better off, but what did it matter, they had dealt the people who they’d been told caused them suffering a painful blow.

Now the trick doesn’t work anymore because there is a Jewish state that stands up for the Jews everywhere. 

The cry to kill the Jew and conquer Jerusalemstill gets the masses worked up but there’s no more follow up. It’s not possible to attack Jews and get elated. They’ve tried several times to attack Israel and each time they have fared worse than the time before.

The result is that the Arabs and other nations have begun to search in real earnest for the real cause of their suffering instead of blaming the Jews.

Despite all the pre-election ranting and ravings that we see in the video, today, for the first time in it’s modern history Egypt has admitted it has internal problems and her new President has begun to deal with them and he doesn’t have time to kill Jews and march on Jerusalem and please God he’ll be busy for a long time solving Egypt’s internal problems and when he’s finished, which might take 10 years of so. Egypt won’t be such an economically depressed country and won’t need the rallying call to kill the Jews and conquer Jerusalem.