Leon the tourguide

Leon the tourguide
Leon the Tour Guide

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Protecting the weak or protecting strong rebels?

I think it's the first time ever in all of history that a sovereign state has gone to the help of rebels fighting an unwanted regime without using the conflict to gain possession of a country.

This certainly is a good sign in human behavior even though there's no solid evidence that when the rebels take over the country eventually they will govern it any better or more democratically than the regime they toppled.

The important point to be learnt from this amazing help is that sovereign states, like France and America are helping people who have taken the initiative in rebelling agains a bad, cruel regime who has made them suffer.

There have been many cases of a population persecuted by its own government, naturally the persecution of the Jews during the 2nd world War is definitely the most blatant of all.

The holocaust is a glaring example that sovereign states don't help oppressed populations. Put another way it's not being oppressed that arouses action in sovereign states, no!!!! It's the rebelousness of the oppressed that arouses help from outside.

We have other examples of people being oppressed and nations don't help them from outside, e.g. Zambia under Robert Mugabe. According to reports I've heard thousands of people are being slaughtered by Mugabe and the world knows about it but does nothing.

We remember the millions slaughtered in Ruanda also.

Nations go to the help of people who rebel and who show that with a little help will succeed in toppling their oppressors.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Idle chatter and serious talking

Serious talking is thus:

Having an opinion is a very personal possession, guarded as one guards a treasure in a treasure chest , to which the mind can be compared. Deciding to give it is like a very deliberate act of extracting it, carefully,  from the treasure chest because it's very delicate and could fall and shatter into a million pieces.

Once extracted it virtually glows and illuminates all around untill it is bestowed like a crown on the head of someone who is very special and has thus been chosen to be the recipient.

Idle chatter is thus:

The recipient doesn't treasure it but instead throws the opinion you have so carefully given him, in the serious talking described above, as if it is a cheap plaything, not designed to be applied like a healing balm but like an instrument of battle to hack the source of the opinion in search of a victory of self aggrandisment of the idle chatterer.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Purim

What is the meaning of calling a Jewish festival by the name of Purim, lots, as in lottery?

Happiness is for everyone and Purim implies that only the lucky ones whose lot is drawn are happy.

This can't be correct because even those whose lot isn't drawn can be happy, in fact they are the majority of humanity and it would be a sad state of affairs if only the lucky winner is happy.

Happiness doesn't depend on luck as many people, including our great learned sages seem to think.

Happiness is available for all those who choose it and strive to achieve it.

When I greet you with "Happy Purim" I don't mean that I hope that you are one of the lucky ones to win the lottery or are lucky in some other way, like baing born rich, handsome and wise.

I mean that I wish that you will make the effort to make yourself happy by feeding your mind with thoughts of happiness for the person who is lucky instead of jealousy at his good fortune.

Everyone thinks that the other person is luckier than him and these are most of the people we meet.

So the way to happiness is through those people who we think are luckier than we are. Many people are jealous of the people who seem to be lucky. That jealousy obviously brings unhappiness, so the way to happiness in not to be jealous of those people but to be happy when every time you meet someone who you think is luckier than you instead of being jealous of his good fortune.

Do this and you are guaranteed of happiness because everyone you meet you consider more lucky than you. You will constantly be happy.

If however you meet someone like a sick person or a person without legs who is obviously not as lucky as you let your mind dwell on the scene of that person being healthy and having legs as you have. That will also make you happy but only if you are happy at people you consider luckier than you. Everything depends on that.

Israel wants peace the Arabs want submission which they call Peace

The Palestinians policy of carrying out terrorist attacks exactly when the prospect of settling the Israel-Palestinian dipute by peaceful negotiations seems brightest is not aimed at putting an end to the Peace process as many people, especially Israelis think.

Terror attacks show, however that the Palestinians want more than peace, they want peace by submission. This kind of peace is valuable because it affirms the honor of the Palestinian nation and honor, as everyone knows is very important in Arab society. We only need to look at the number of wives and daughters who have been murdered to save the honor of an Arab family.

If Israel gives up territory in response to a terror attack or demolishes a settlement or places a moratorium on the building of settlements as America and Europe are constantly demanding it promotes the honor of the Arabs.

If giving up territory etc. is achieved in a peaceful atmosphere Arab honor isn't satisfied. Submission must be achieved and that can only be achieved when relinquishing land or building takes place  in the wake of terror or war.

The only way that the Palestinians can feel strong is when terror or war brings Israel to its knees.

Either the Palestinians can't distinguish between peace and submission or they can but they want peace as an instrument of submission and eventual oppression, a very popular phenomenon in Arab societies.

Citizens of practically all the Arab countries are right now struggling, most unsuccessfully to rid themselves from oppression and here, in Israel, the so called bright enlightened nations like Europe and America are demanding that the free country of Israel succomb to that same sort of Arab oppression that the citizens of those countries are suffering from and are trying so desperately to break free from..

Oppressing Israel would give them a feeling that revenge has been achieved.

As far as the Palestinians are concerned peace can only be established with Israel after revenge has been achieved as when two families who have been at war with each other peace may only be acieved when revenge has been taken.

In their way of thinking there can't be peace with an enemy who has harmed you and you haven't avenged the harm. Harm and injury must be avenged. Honor requires this vengeance.

The futility of terror attacks against the Jews

In case the LA Times doesn't publish my letter here's what I said about an article they published criticising Israel for building settlements as a provocation of Arab terrorist attacks, like the murder of the 5 Fogel family members, including their little baby of 4 months, in their sleep at the Jewish settlement of Ittamar.

If the intention of the Arabs, in carrying out terrorist attacks against Jews, is to frighten the Jews into relinquishing their control of Palestine, it can't be considered effective.

Since the Arabs started their policy of terrorist attacks against Jews in the 1920's the number of Jews living in Palestine has grown from about 200,000 to 7 million, the state of Israel as a Jewish state has been established and is considered one of the modern and democratic countries in the world.

The Arabs are copying the methods of Nazi Germany because their aim is the same; the Nazis aimed at ridding the world of Jews, the Arabs aim at getting them out of Palestine.

The Nazis didn't succeed; the Jews are more influential in every sphere of life than they were before the holocaust.

The Arabs and the journalist of the LA Times would do well to consider their response to so called Jewish provocation.

They could consider for example making peace with the Jews as a tactic instead of carrying out terror attacks that simply appeal to the rabble and make them into a pariah.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Murder in Ittamar

This murder is so cruel that in my opinion not even a born killer is capable of carrying it out. This leads us to only one conclusion which is that the murders were under orders from the Palestinian authority who taught them that this is what "soldiers of the fatherland" do. The Palestinian Authority is to blame and Israel must increase it's settlement program and encourage Israelis to visit the territory as part of Israel and rid us and the Palestinians of this accursed administration.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The secret of a successful diet

Among all the wonderful people I meet every day there are many who like me are overweight.

Many of them, with good intention, have told me to eat less and to look after myself. God knows, I've really tried but the task until now was too difficult.

The temptations have always overcome me. No more.

I have found the way to overcome the temptation of eating more than I should and I want to share this with everybody.

I've only lost 1 kg but I feel much better. For a start I don't have chest pains when I walk fast or uphill. This means that I don't need an urgent angioplasty. I am very excited about how good I feel. This is why I want to tell everyone about it.

The secret is:
See the total calories you've eaten, so far in any particular day, before your eyes, in black and white before you take another mouthful of anything.

By the end of the day you have a number. The total number of calories for the day. Keep it in a diary so that you can page through it a see you achievement.

Write it down immediately. If you don't write it down immediately you'll forget. Write it down immediately.

I use the diary on my telephone. Now I've purchased a small totaliser so that I'll write the number down more rapidly. I'll only have one button to press and each day I'll have a total that I'll put in my diary.

When you see, in writing, in black and white howmany calories you've eaten you're in control and can decide whether to eat more or not.

Don't worry about writing down which food you eat. You know which foods are good and howmuch to eat. Your doctor or dietician has told you that.

Simply write down a number and add it to the total.

All you need to do is to write down, immediately the number of calories you've eaten and keep a running total so that at any time of the day you know exactly the total number of calories youve eaten. Then you can decide whether to eat more or not.

You are in control when you write down calories and keep a running total. Each day you start again.

Calorie calculators tell you how many calories you can eat acccording to various physical characteristics and howmany calories you need to eat to loose weight. That's your daily target.

My daily target is less than 1800. Since I've started doing this the most calories I've eaten in a day has been 1600 and I've lost 1 kg in two weeks.

Write it down immediately, not later, immediately.

The method is write it down immediately, immediately.