Leon the tourguide

Leon the tourguide
Leon the Tour Guide

Friday, November 8, 2024

De boodschap van de Bijbel


De boodschap van de Bijbel.

Sta me toe om alsjeblieft het uitleggen van fenomenen als bovenmenselijk over te slaan. De mens is betrokken bij elk verschijnsel dat zich in de wereld voordoet, maar niet bij dingen die buiten de aarde gebeuren. 

Iets als bovennatuurlijk bestempelen is een manier om te ontsnappen aan de verklaring van oorzaken en gevolgen. 

Wat uitleg behoeft, is Gods handelen, volgens de Bijbel, om de Joodse natie aan te wijzen als het steunpunt van de menselijke geschiedenis. 

Het is onze taak om met deze unieke, raadselachtige situatie om te gaan.

Sommigen, zoals de Joden, aanvaarden deze stand van zaken natuurlijk graag. Anderen verwerpen het en proberen ertegen te vechten. 

Beide groepen streven naar vrede. De strijd tussen de twee leidt tot conflicten.

Degenen die de situatie afwijzen, slagen daar soms in en de Joden verdwenen vrijwel van de aardbodem van de geschiedenis. 

Maar tot hun verbazing gingen de oorlogen door omdat een andere groep de plaats van de Joden als spil had ingenomen. Het moet worden verwijderd zoals de Joden werden verwijderd. 

Degenen die de Joden als spil aanvaarden, zijn daar ook op verschillende momenten in de geschiedenis in geslaagd. Dan keren de natiën terug naar de taak om de Joden te verdrijven. 

Mijn conclusie is dat zolang de naties één cruciale natie hebben om te vervolgen, ze vreedzaam leven, zij het dat hun landen in puin liggen. 

Vrede, op deze manier bereikt, is geen tijd van glorieuze voorspoed en geluk, maar een tijd van ondergang, lijden en verdriet.

Vrede, bereikt door alle naties die één natie als steunpunt aanvaarden, is een tijd van geluk. 

Alle naties moeten afstand doen van hun eis om de spil, het steunpunt van de wereld te zijn en zich neerleggen bij het feit dat één natie het steunpunt van de wereld is.

Dit is het hoogtepunt van de Bijbel: Deuteronomium 7:6 Want gij zijt een heilig volk voor de HEERE, uw God, en de HEERE, uw God, heeft u uitverkoren om een bijzonder volk voor Zichzelf te zijn, boven alle volken die op de aardbodem zijn.


Raymond 8th Nov 2021

Yesterday, I tried to call Raymond to wish him a happy 83rd birthday. He didn't answer the phone; maybe he was out partying with his children and grandchildren, but I congratulated him on his Facebook page, a convenient apparatus for sending good wishes to everybody. 

While writing Bernard's story, I recalled my desire to write Raymond's story. I knew him better than I knew Bernard. In any case, we were close in age, with only a two-year difference. In our youth, we often found ourselves together, mostly with his friends, when I joined in their games or sometimes with mine.

He wanted to show me kindness because, for some strange reason, I was not as accepted as he was amongst the crowd of boys we played with. For example, he was always chosen when they chose soccer teams, and I was left out. He would then say, "Please, you know, you guys must put Leon on the team also." Thanks to him, I was selected. He was always looking after me.

However, his act of compassion annoyed me. I don't know why, and family and friends accused me of being ungrateful to my kind sibling. Raymond was always busy making models, like airplanes and little jigsaw puzzles, and taking pictures. He became a star among our relatives for his handmade creations. One and all commended his skill and affection and said I should be grateful for a protector.

On the one hand, I was proud of him, but on the other, I was jealous that I could not do these things. From time to time, I would also try to make some object that would earn me the admiration of my family and friends. They applauded my effort, but it was clear that their words originated in a wish to be charitable. None of my endeavors ever attained as much acclaim as he did.

I took pictures and worked with him in the darkroom to process his photographs, feeling I was part of his success. 

Raymond succeeded in everything. He was always near the top of the class in every branch of knowledge, and the teachers liked him, whether it was history, Latin, or any other subject. 

He was good at physical competitions but not all sports. He was so good at swimming that my father felt he was a gifted swimmer and sent him to special lessons to help him expand his talent. Indeed, he gained quite a reputation as a fast and powerful swimmer. 

He also had a naughty streak. He loved to make his friends laugh. One of the memorable events was on his Bar Mitzvah; as was the custom, he stood with my mother and father at the door of the banquet hall in Krugersdorp to welcome the guests.

One of the well-wishers was Uncle Louis, the husband of my mother's sister, Aunty Sarah. Louis was an earnest but kind man who had done much for Raymond. 

When he was a child, he suffered from diphtheria. Uncle Louis took him to recuperate to the sea by plane at a time when very few people flew. So Uncle Louis had a special place in his heart for my older brother. 

At his Bar Mitzvah celebration, the young celebrant played a trick on our Uncle. He put some jelly in his hand, and Uncle Louis, not knowing this, gladly took his hand to shake it and congratulate him.

Uncle Louis found his hand besmirched with the red mess and was shocked at this behaviour, especially from his favourite nephew. Raymond thought it was amusing, and everybody else laughed at Uncle Louis, who wasn't amused.  

We were envious of each other. When one obtained a gift, the other wanted one also. He hated to see me get a present, and I would eat my heart out when he acquired a gift, and I didn't. 

Once, my father presented me with a reading lamp, which I was very proud of, and I showed it to the family. It was second-hand, something that he had bought at a sale. Raymond was furious, "why hadn't he been given a light for his bed?" My mother said, "Mannie, you have to buy Raymond one as well".  The instrument they purchased for him was ten times fancier, the kind of lamp the architects used, it swiveled in every direction. My parents thought my older brother was destined to be an architect.; 

They bought him a drawing board to plan his models, etc. So, I still did not have any advantage over Raymond. My dream of having something that Raymond didn't have faded.

He always got more than what I received. Later, the firstborn son went to university to study engineering. He failed in the first year, but then he went back and studied quantity surveying, which he qualified for and worked in this profession. 

I also went to university, but after failing to succeed, I never went back. I became a Hebrew teacher. Competition between us weakened as we grew older. 

I relented, deciding not to struggle and to accept my position behind Raymond. To this day, this feeling of being second to my brother pains me. Once, I consoled my aching sense of inferiority by surreptitiously ensconcing a pretty, little penknife with an ivory handle my father had brought him from Israel, which I envied very much.

 I took this apparatus and buried it in the garden. To this day, I am satisfied that I had put one over the big fellow. But, of course, it was nonsense.

 I hadn't pulled anything on Raymond. He was better than me in every way, 

I don't believe that it's my fault that I was inferior. I was always propelled downwards, and Raymond was continually impelled forward, encouraged, and loved by my parents. I did not receive the same amount of encouragement and love, so I ended up in second place, but I was never sad and depressed at not getting as much as he. He was an ideal for me to try and emulate. I would have liked to be as clever as he was, but I accept reality and remain proud of my brother.

The surprising conclusion I reached after writing about my brother was not that I begrudged him his success; the opposite was true: he was envious of me. I can't imagine why he should resent someone who, compared to him, was unintelligent and untalented. Envy for me lay deep in his heart. 


Jerusalem Walls

Die Aufstellung die fehler meine deutsch Sprachkentnis

Liebe Meister,

für Mich bist du "Meister", deshalb kan ich dir nicht mit eine "hallo" grußen, obwohl es klingt sehr freundlich und es ist erfreulich zu hören.

ich bin einstimmend mit dem Rede der Judische Weise dass jeder eins muß ein Lehrer/n bekommen und dass der Student  in dem Staub der Fusse seines Lehrers muß sitzen.

ich habe mich sehr erfreut gestern ein Anruf von das Israel Ministerium von Turismus zu bekommen mir zu mitteilen dass ich die Deutsch Prüfung bestanden habe und jetzt werde ich erlaubt haben Deutsche Turisten zu leiten.

MfG gorkl

wen die

Es ist sehr freundlich von dir, mir, deine Student einzuladen Sehr geehrter Erophilus21,

nochmals war ich dankbar,
vielen dank für deine Korrekturen meines Deutsch zu bekommen.
Ich habe mein vorheriges Schreiben mit deinen Korrekturen auf meinen Blog gelegt.

Du hast Recht, zunächst schreibe  ich beinahe ohne zu denken, ob die Sprach grammatisch richtig  ist oder nicht. Danach versuch ich es, mit Hilfe eines Wörterbuches zu korrigieren

Dank deiner Hilfe verstehe ich, dass ich die Gramatiek und den Satzbau üben muss. Ich werde deinem Vorschlag folgen dies zu tun.

MfG gorkl

The Nation Lives - A Poem by Leon

Jerusalem Fri Aug 12th 2005

The Nation Lives.
I'm a Jew you are a Jew.
Because the Nation Lives.
Abraham died.
Moses and David all died.
I will die and so will you.
We are all parts
of a nation called the Jews.
Parts may come and parts may go.
Parts replace parts.
There are parts and parts and parts.
But the nation Lives.
Look how the parts have suffered.
In Jerusalem, Massada, Mainz,
Speir, Cologne and Auschwitz.
The suffering has become a part.
The people and their suffering
keep the Nation alive.
Defeat is individual like death.
But Victory is national like life.
When the Torah say "choose life not death"
it means join the nation don't live alone.
We join the nation by learning
about the history of the suffering
of individual parts of our nation,
in Egypt, Jerusalem, Babylon and Germany,
and passing this on to our children.
We pass it on and
The Nation Lives.

My collection of Quotes

I've come to the conclusion that the main purpose of writing or doing most things is to give others pleasure. So if I've given you some pleasure I have been rewarded for my efforts, which I confess are quite strenuous.

I don't think that wise sayings are meant to be practised, they're only indications of a person's opinions and guidelines to thoughts. They aren't dogmatic beliefs and a person can change his opinions about life and daily events. 

Some sayings appear to be wise, others are plainly nonsense, but these are things I have thought about or that I've heard tourists say while guiding tourists around the places which are holy for them.

The Bible
Many peoples will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths." The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. Isaiah 2:3

Pirke Avot (Jewish Book of Ethics)quotes

Everything is in the hands of God, excepting the fear of God. 

My friend's quotes Interpretation: (By my friend Sid Gordon) 

God doesn't make decisions for man (like being righteous or wicked) every person makes his or her own decisions in life. God allows this because He does not force anyone to be righteous and holy or to be wicked. Man is responsible for these decisions.

Sid Gordon Fri 13th Nov 09

"I didn't know that calvary and the tomb of Jesus were so close to each other" 

Tourist Bob Thur 3rd Dec 09 

Never give up on the internet. Keep at it untill you get it right.

Always be willing to let go of the life you had planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for you.

My Quotes:

Be patient with people, everybody, especially those close to you. People need time to come round to think about what they have said or done. 

People will criticise themselves much more fiercly and effectively than you can ever do, but you need patience untill they think about the things they've done or said. 
Social order is maintained by the spread of myths which Plato calls "Noble LIes and maimonides calls "necessary and useful beliefs." 

Sun 15th Nov 09 

What is the light at the end of the dark path of Jewish HIstory which illuminates every step we take? it is the light of Torah. 

It's important to enjoy something beautiful each day

Tues 1st Dec 09

looking back at the light and shade of Jewish history we’re hopeful that whatever tragedies the future may bring, joyous events will follow.

Western (Wailing) Wall quotes 

Tues 17th Nov 09 

Jews pray at the wall for God not to destroy the world 

The wall is the closest we can come to the place where holiness used to come down to earth without standing on the place itself. 

Temple sacrifice quotes 

God used to send holiness down to earth when the priests used to sacrifice at the temple, now we aren't worthy to recieve the holiness because we're not holy, because we have defiled ourselves with war and blood and in any case there aren't anymore priests. 

Because of this we live in darkness and just as people sleep in the darkness and dream so the temple has become a dream

Leon's War quotes 

We’ll win the war when we stop fighting. 
"you move to violence by blaming someone for nonsense. You move people to peace by not blaming anyone." 

Leon's interpretation quotes

Puccini’s opera Manon Lescaut is the tragedy of a woman who takes love from one man and money from another. 

Leon's quotes about Jesus 

Sat 14th Nov 09 

Jesus was not the saviour of the Jews neither was he their king or god.

Leon's Calvary Quotes

Calvary and the tomb of Jesus weren't close to each other. The closeness was artificially contrived by Constantine to facilitate pilgrimage . 

Winston Churchill 

Truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it, ignorance may deride it, malice may distort it, but there it is."

Ed Morrissey

"Mass murderer in Norway gets 99.5 days in prison per victim" 
"scary but it would help if other nations make sure that this guy stays in Norway and never enters another country." 

beena sarwar 

If clerics can hold forth from pulpits, move crowds to be violent in religion's name, they should also be able to move crowds to be peaceful.
More of My Quotes:
worries take up too much thinking space in my brain and I am very worried about its capacity. 

Jews mourn at the Wailing because the destruction of the temple signified the imminent destruction of the world. 
You don’t have to hate someone just because you disagree with him.

the Jews are the guardians of the temple and God will give them back that task. 

Moslems will agree to Jewish sovereignty of the Holy Land if they become Moslem.

Gambling is stealing honestly from people prepared to pay for the chance to steal honestly. 

God wants to destroy the world but desists because of devout Christians, Jews and Moslems.

Offering animal sacrifices Jews thought they were saving the world from destruction which God was preparing to carry out after Adam's sin.
Israelis have lost patience with the Arabs and aren’t interested in fighting extended wars. Leon Gork
Jewish idealism established the State of Israel to reach for the top of an ideal society

Hanlie Gordon


Rabbi of Kotzk

horses follow the middle of the path humans always walk along the edge.

More of my very own quotes:
why is it important to know that there is a god? won't i be just as happy not knowing that he exists as knowing?

levels of society are joined to each other, like mountain climbers struggling to reach the peak. Leon Gork

the Garden of Eden is the world we leave behind after we die, our lives are a once in a lifetime opportunity to make it more perfect Leon Gork

The Death of Sigmund Freud Mark Edmundson P.232
to renounce the visible in the interest of the unseen is an enormously difficult task.” 
for all to go well, he needed to have a close friend to confide in and a spirited enemy to oppose.

My Quote:

why is it important to know that there is a god? won't i be just as happy not knowing that he exists as knowing? 

The animal is capable of achieving pure joy because it can't think. I am capable of achieving it because I can think.

My tours in Jerusalem and Israel are the closest one can come in Israel to the situation in Hyde Park, where everyone can speak his mind freely.

God's Pardon

A wish for the Jewish New Year 5779
Leon's Commentary on the Numbers 14 Ver 20

" And the Lord said, I have pardoned according to your word."Num 14:20

Why does God forgive?
God is always forgiving, never asking for forgiveness.
Nowhere in the Torah does God ask man for forgiveness.
Surely He should ask forgiveness?
He does all the bad things.
Death, disease and suffering.
Should I or need I forgive Him?
In His Torah, He asks us
To love, obey and worship Him.
Can I love, obey and worship Him?
After all the suffering, disease and death?
Yes, if I forgive Him.
For doing those terrible things to me.

God's request for us to forgive Him isn't explicit.
His request is implied the command.
"And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, with all thine soul and with all thine might" Deut 6:5

If we are going to love Him we need to forgive Him.
Our love for God can only be genuine if we forgive Him.
Praying, fasting, dancing, singing etc., before the Lord.
Is all a farce unless we forgive Him.
Like God His creatures cause us suffering.
They kill us, beat us, steal from us, lie etc.
God also brings death and suffering.
By forgiving His creatures for doing these things.
I put myself in a position to show Him genuine love.
The forgiveness I need to give God I give to His creatures.
When I forgive His creatures, it's as if I forgive God.
Therefore, God's command to love Him is an implied request to forgive Him.
This we do by forgiving His creatures.

Love of God is our motivation to forgive our fellow man.
We obey the command to love God by forgiving His creatures.
Forgiving them puts us in a position to be kind to His creatures.
God needs us to show kindness to His creatures.
We are the means by which God shows kindness to His creatures.
We forgive them the harm they've done to us and kindness follows.
By forgiving them, as God forgives us, unconditionally, we can be kind to them.

Unlike God, your kindness and mercy aren't built in.
God shows mercy to the universe without waiting for a request.
Forgiving someone and showing kindness makes you like God.
Especially if the person hasn't asked for your forgiveness.
You are acting as if kindness is a built-in characteristic.
You can't have God's characteristics.
But, knowing them, you can act as if you have them.
You become as important to man as God is to the universe.
You become His representative on earth.
You fulfil the function for which God placed you here.
In our prayers, we call God the healer.
But this is only so if you do the healing.
God needs you to be kind and to heal and alleviate suffering.
But you can only achieve the ability to be kind if you forgive.

Leon Gork Tour Guide

The Message of the Bible


The message of the Bible.

Permit me, please to skip explaining phenomena as superhuman. The human being is involved in every phenomenon that takes place in the world but not in things that happen beyond the earth. 

Labeling a thing as supernatural is a way of escaping the explanation of causes and results. 

The thing that requires explanation is God’s action, according to the Bible, of allocating the Jewish Nation as the fulcrum  of human history. 

Our task is to deal with this unique, puzzling situation.

Some, like the Jews, naturally accept this state of affairs gladly. Others reject it and try to fight against it. 

Both groups aim at peace. The struggle between the two results in conflict.

Those who reject the situation sometimes succeed, and the Jews virtually disappeared from the face of history. 

But to their surprise wars continued because some other group has taken the place of the Jews as the pivot. It must be removed as the Jews were removed. 

Those who accept the Jews as the pivot have also succeeded at various times in history. Then the nations return to the task of dislodging the Jews. 

My conclusion is that as long as the nations have one pivotal nation to persecute they live peacefully, all be it that their countries lie in ruins. 

Peace, achieved in this way, is not a time of glorious prosperity and happiness, but a time of ruination, suffering and sadness.

Peace , achieved by all the nations accepting one nation as the fulcrum  is a time of happiness. 

All the nations need to renounce their demand to be the pivot, the fulcrum of the world and resign themselves to the fact of one nation being the world’s fulcrum.

This is the high point of the Bible: Deuteronomy 7:6 For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.

The reason for this choice is stated by the prophets.

Micah 4:1-4 But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it. And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the LORD of hosts hath spoken it. For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Religious Jews Religious Muslims


A soldier goes into war with the feeling that he is sacrificing himself for his homeland and his nation's future. He is not just fulfilling a duty. And then I think about the foe; what does he think? Does he think he's fighting for his land? And I don't know the answer to this question.

I only know that the antagonist and our soldiers go into battle with the same resolution. One asks, "Where do these young people get this singlemindedness?" What makes them determined to confront the enemy? Is it his country they're defending? 

They're struggling for the earth. The only thing that can create such enthusiasm is the feeling that they are battling to redeem mankind.

According to God-fearing Jews and pious Muslims, the only way to rescue creation is to bring the redeemer. Not being devout, this concept appears to me as utter nonsense. 

There are people in Iran, Lebanon, Gaza, and many other parts of the world who really and truly believe that their death is drawing the days of the saviour closer and improving mankind's situation. Those who don't think there's such a utopian society that the deliverer will create are onlookers.

We cannot understand those people. The expectation of the Messiah exists in Jewish ideology, too. Although the thought may have originated in the Bible, according to the Jews, studying the Scriptures is the way to achieve this occurrence.

Religious boys studying Torah in a Yeshiva

Muslims and Christians stand at opposite extremes from religious Jews. The first two think they will usher in the Messiah by combating unbelievers. The Jews will do it by deepening their knowledge of the sacred words and observing the commandments of God.

So there are two ways. Reading scripture has merit. It makes us wiser and gives us a better and more meaningful life, but I can't see any point in expiring to promote the event.

The soldier who goes to war shoots an enemy and dies in the process. Is that going to lead the way for the arrival of the Savious? Unbelievers, like me, consider the expectation of the deliverer of mankind nonsense and dying as a means to the end as evil.

Pacifists and warriors, religious Jews and Muslims are doing different things to shepherd in the saviour, and no Messiah appears.

We are here to be alive. We are not here to devote ourselves to God or to die in action. We secure a better world by working, creating, loving our fellow man, and loving our parents.

Non-believers do these good deeds to each other and the world. A better world doesn't come into being by serving the Lord, wearing tzitzit (fringes) and other cultish practices, or studying Torah. Going to battle and killing somebody also doesn't make the world better. Religious Jews and Muslims have the concept of the advent of a miraculous saviour in common. 

The one dies in combat, and the other studies the Torah. We secular Jews, who don't accept all of this antiquated philosophy of the appearance of the Messiah, remain by the side and watch what is going on and are left out of it. Loving our fellow man will bring harmony, make better science, do things in the world, not remain in one place studying Torah or dying in military conflict.

We consider that we are promoting peaceful coexistence more than those who learn Torah and more than those who are dying in battle. But these two groups, those who perish in violence and the ones who delve into the secrets of Torah, their belief in the coming of the Messiah gives them unity. All that needs to happen now is for ultra-Orthodox Jews studying the Torah to cooperate with Orthodox Muslims to figure out a way of living side by side.

Maybe the ultra-Orthodox Jews can persuade the Muslims to be studious in the Koran rather than be aggressive. The only talking point is between the two categories of believers. When the Jewish religion takes over this country, we will begin to have a dialogue with Muslims. The believing Jews must conduct a conversation with the Muslims. Secular Jews, who have been the ones running Israel since its foundation, have no basis for an exchange of ideas with religious Muslims. The followers of the two groups will figure out a way of living together in this society.

We don't believe in Muhammad or Moses, we don't believe in the Torah, and we don't believe in God.

The world is their baby. They own the world and the solution to the world's problems; we are onlookers.