Leon the tourguide

Leon the tourguide
Leon the Tour Guide

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Hanukka in Israel is one of the most joyful festivals of the year because it is the true Independence day of Israel. 

Do you realize that if it wasn't for the Romans we'd be celebrating 2177 years of independence, counting from the year that the Maccabees established the independent Jewish State in 165 BCE.

The Romans created a rather long interlude of about 2000 years when they destroyed the Temple and Jerusalem and took the 7 branched golden candelabra (the Menorah) to Rome.

Hanukkah means dedication. It's the day when the Temple was dedicated by the Macabees, this dedication took the form of kindling the Menorah which was and still is the emblem of the State of Israel, they called it Judea but it’s the same state as Israel.

Kindling it was a sign that the state had been established. Every government building has a Hanukiah (8 branched candelabra to celebrate that God made a miracle for his people by causing the candelabra to burn for 8 days with oil that should have lasted only 1 day) shining brightly for 8 nights in the most prominent place, usually on the roof, you can take a drive or walk around Jerusalem on a tour of the Hanukkah lights. 

You can walk through the religious neighborhoods of Jerusalem, Nahlaot, Knesset, Ohel Moshe, Beit Israel, the Bugharan Quarter and others and see the Hannuka lampls burning in the window of every home. There's simply no way you can forget that it's Hanukkah in Israel especially in Jerusalem

Kids eat doughnuts (Suvganiot) and Levivot (Potato pancakes), too fattening for adults. 

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