Leon the tourguide

Leon the tourguide
Leon the Tour Guide

Friday, December 18, 2015

Cul de Sac by Roman Polanski. An interpretation by Leon Gork

Cul de Sac Dir: Roman Polanski 1966 seen at the Jerusalem Cinemateque on Tue 14th Dec 2016

The end of the road is the tragedy of the victor in man’s struggle for supremacy over a world of evil doers, who threaten to tumble him from the heights of his dominions, as in the children’s song “I’m the king of the castle and you’re the dirty rascal”, is that he’s left alone; the beautiful damsel, who was to be the prize of victory, has disappeared, his castle is in ruins, his loyal followers, having been chased away by him, have left him. He is all alone at the top of a sand heap, which was once his castle, and he’s happy, not being aware even of his tragic situation.

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